Core workplace | Nexer
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Core workplace

a hub to love

Over the last 10 years, our product platform Core has evolved through several product generations. It has a set of features and concepts that over time have been proven to work for many customers, in a broad variety of industries. Using Core, compared with developing a solution of you own, simply means that you don’t need to start from scratch.

The current generation of Core comes in two versions: Core Intranet and Core Workplace. Core Workplace is meant for companies who are seeking to introduce a full digital workplace as a hub for productivity, communication and collaboration. Your users will love it.

a hub for your digital worklife

Core Workplace is something unique. It’s not a place just to handle content, it’s a place to get your work done. We have developed Core Workplace for companies looking to connect all the dots of the digital workplace into one portal and provide an easy overview of digital systems, personal schedule, latest news and company information.

In Core Workplace, each employee can easily find their personal schedule, assigned tasks, collaboration sites and general organisation information. It’s also easy to add different digital apps and tools. This can be done both centrally and individually. The users can easily see when a new application pops up and can get a brief introduction to the tool when launching it for the first time. This is vital to increasing adoption and awareness.


Workplace Light is an add-on to Core Workplace where all dependencies to Office 365 are removed but the look and feel are the same. Combining Core Workplace with Workplace Light allows you to provide one digital workplace for all employees, but with different tools for different roles.


A very important aspect of Core Workplace is that it follows Microsoft’s guidelines on how functionality interacts with Office 365 and SharePoint Modern. We also ensure that our customisations do not affect the underlying function. Like Office 365, Core Workplace is module-based. This means there is a high level of flexibility to tailor the solution to your company’s needs and ways of working.

Get in touch

Are you ready to start something new? We’ve got all the skills you need to make the future a promising one. Just send us a message and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.