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Data-driven sustainability

why sustainability is a data matter

Understanding and mitigating environmental impacts in supply chains and products are crucial for sustainability. Managing environmental product footprint data, like other critical business data, helps organizations make informed decisions on sustainable sourcing, greener manufacturing, and responsible end-of-life management. Access to accurate sustainability data fosters collaboration, innovation, and analytics, enhancing transparency, brand loyalty, and trust among environmentally conscious consumers and investors.

We invited four different types of stakeholders (BUFAB, VBG Group, GS1 Sweden and EPD International) to share their perspective on the opportunities and challenges working data-driven with your climate footprint together with us, on stage at Elmia Subcontractor, Nov 16 in Jönköping, Sweden.

data exchange and data transparency

The real power of data can only be harnessed if you have
access to consolidated, correct and updated data, when you need it where you need it.
Sharing accurate and relevant footprint data, whether it is cross functional , between systems or to external channels, in a safe and efficient way is the foundation to a data-driven sustainability strategy, and therefor it is crucial to have a data strategy that supports your sustainability strategy.

Environmental Footprint data is often siloed in various data sources, and the vast amount of data points can easily deluge your organization.

“from problem description to solution focus”

We asked Johanna Danielsson, CEO at Kairos Future, on her thoughts around Data-Driven Sustainability today.

“The climate issue has gone from problem description to focus on sustainable solutions and in order to make efforts result in measurable progress, access to relevant and reliable data is needed. Also in order to have credible evidence for clients and consumers. No serious actor wants to risk being accused of green washing.”

Managing sustainability is becoming a business-critical discipline

“Minimizing climate change is no longer a purely voluntary commitment. Market regulation is turning into legal compliance and for many industries non financial reporting on corporate and product level is mandatory already.”

Sebastiaan Stiller, CEO, EPD International AB

“Organizations developing sustainability strategies and making ‘green’ claims about their products need evidence”

That evidence is found in a vast amount of supporting data.

“Whether it be for competitive, financial, or regulatory reasons, they face an enormous task of collecting, quality assuring, governing, maintaining, and publishing sustainability data, about their products, suppliers and processes, to provide complete and transparent information to their stakeholders.
It is imperative that Chief Sustainability Officers have a robust data management strategy to support their sustainability strategy and govern sustainability data with the same discipline as all other master data.”

Neda Nia, CPO, Stibo Systems

Nexer Footprint Data management

Enhanced footprint data management can support the transition towards more sustainable business. By understanding supply chains’ and certain products’ real impact in the different life cycle categories such as land, water, carbon etc you can also start making real change.

At the forefront of Data-driven Sustainability and Product Footprint Data Management, Nexer has developed a comprehensive solution that enables organisations to effectively manage and analyse any environmental footprint. The solution is built on the world leading MDM platform Stibo Systems STEP and combines essential features, including data consolidation, data quality management, intuitive visualization, and data exchange capabilities.

By serving as a centralised repository the solution can integrate data from diverse sources, providing organisations with a holistic view of their products’ footprint on a collaborative platform as well as making it more secure and efficient to share these data to outbound channels, external parties and systems for analytics, sales, marketing, packaging, R&D, reporting etc.

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