Maverick – AstraZeneca | Nexer
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The art of making a clinical administrative system cool and fun

Make your science count. Utter the term “clinical trial documentation” and even the most zealous researcher won’t be able to stifle a yawn. Admittedly, it’s not the most fun part of the job, but crucial to getting a new drug approved. So, how do you turn a virtual sleeping pill into an organizational energy boost?

When a company like AstraZeneca introduces a new, digital administrative system for its research documentation, there is no room for mistakes. It brings forward a new way of working that needs to engage and educate researchers, leaders and administrators all over the world. This system was named Trial Master File and Maverick was put in charge of communicating the change and teaching staff how to work with it.

Change is powered by strategies, insights and smiles

After long hours of workshops and interviews with key people and end users of the new system, Maverick presented a communication strategy and concept. It was the moment of truth. Would communication be able to match serious research and meticulous bureaucracy? Without being boring. The answer was found in a smile and a laid-back attitude with cut-to-the chase content.

A concept brought to life by music and impromptu ambassadors

Under the message “Make Your Science Count” delivered in a musical concept with retro vibes, the clinical information came to life. A limited edition of branded coffee mugs, sunglasses, chewing gums, tote bags and key straps along with events, films and a series of e-learnings, gave the campaign immediate impact. Employees from England to Vietnam embraced the concept head on and even submitted films featuring their own “cool corners” created in spirit of the concept.

”I wanted to tell you that this training was perfect, it concentrated on what really matters and was as concise as it should be. Very good at providing an overview and basic principles. On top of it, they were able to make it fun.”
AstraZeneca user
“Loved the videos and the overall campaign messaging. Well done!”
Subramanian, Pushkala, Vice President, Simplification Center of Excellence, IS 
would you like to know more?
Håkan Larsson
Business & Change Manager

+46 705 71 11 99

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