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Aerospace & defence manufacturer

Update their finance system

This global business provide a range of advanced technology products and services to the aerospace, defence and security markets.


This business had huge plans to digitally transform their business at a global level. They wanted to become more efficient, standardise their operations and reduce costs. 

The financial holding entity (based out of the UK) had inefficient and outdated finance systems. The existing system was very manual and resource heavy and not automated or integrated to supporting applications. The challenge being addressed was to automate and improve business efficiencies for this team.​


Nexer were selected from a number of Microsoft Dynamics 365 partners to be the strategic partner and advisor for their new business application. 

The solution was to replace the existing Pegasus system with Microsoft Dynamics 365, in order to automate and improve business efficiencies.


More efficient and improved business processes.​

Reduction in manual updates freeing time for employees to focus on other tasks.​

Automated links into consolidation, FX and Hedging solutions.​

Platform for the future in place.

all manufacturing cases