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How to meet accessibility requirements

In today’s digital landscape, it’s important that your digital services and applications comply with current accessibility laws and standards, such as WCAG 2.2, EN 301 549, DIGG’s recommendations and the Digital Public Service Accessibility Act (DOS Act).   
In addition, from 28 June 2025, the new Swedish law on accessibility will enter into force. The law is based on the EU Accessibility Directive and covers, among other things, websites, e-commerce sites and mobile applications. Nexer helps you meet the requirements of current and future legislation.

We test, develop and support 

Our experts ensure that you have a welcoming digital environment, with a focus on inclusion and quality assurance. Nexer offers comprehensive solutions that make code, UX design, and content accessible to everyone:  

  • End-to-end solutions: We develop complete solutions, ensuring that content, UX design, and code are accessible.   
  • User-centred design: Improves the entire user experience by using inclusive design.   
  • Quality assurance: Rigorous testing ensures compliance with current accessibility standards.   
  • Maintenance: Continuous support keeps your digital solutions available and up-to-date. 

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