Swedish forest company SCA has Europe’s largest private forest holdings. SCA manufactures products made with renewable raw materials from its own and others’ forests. These include packaging paper, pulp, and wood products. The company has 4000 employees, a large number of whom don’t use a computer every day. This made it difficult to reach all employees with information via the previous intranet, which was not accessible from mobile phones or tablets. Therefore, as part of SCA’s launch of Microsoft 365, the company chose to upgrade and improve their old intranet. One of the goals was to increase accessibility and give all employees the same opportunity to easily access information, regardless of whether the employee was using a computer, a mobile phone or a tablet.
After collaborating closely for several years, Nexer continued to be the trusted partner to develop the new intranet. Some of the key requirements from SCA were accessibility, simplicity, and compatibility with other systems. They also required that the intranet be well integrated with Microsoft Teams. The new intranet was built on SharePoint Modern with Nexer’s intranet product Core Connect to secure the required functionality and accessibility outside of Microsoft’s features.
The goal was to create a modern intranet built on the latest technology like SharePoint Modern, Microsoft Viva and Teams. Additionally, the upgrade improved both the user and editor experience. As part of the project Nexer coordinated a review of permissions to reduce the experience of scattered and unclear information. From having over 200 people editing content on the intranet, SCA now has a limited number of main intranet editors, who in turn are responsible for selected publishers.
100 days after the launch, a survey was conducted to find out what employees thought about the new intranet. The response? Predominantly positive as the users experienced a clear improvement with a more modern feel, nicer design, better functionality, and structure that makes it easy to find information. Making the intranet available on mobile phones and tablets meaning all employees can access the same information regardless of location was also seen as a big plus.
One of the most appreciated functionalities in the new intranet and Core Connect is Important Messages, which works as a complement to the regular news on the intranet. Important Messages are banners on the top of the page with different colors signaling differing levels of importance. Another much liked functionality is the lunch menu, which can be targeted to different groups depending on which office they are located. Together with other features this functionality made a big difference for the user experience.