Outback and Abbraccio brands adopt Microsoft’s business management tool before the pandemic.
Bloomin’ Brands is an American casual dining company with over 1,400 restaurants worldwide. The company, which has locations in Brazil with 116 units of the Outback and Abbraccio brands, gained agility through the sophistication of its digital experience, using Microsoft solutions, and the structure allowed for the maintenance of operations during the pandemic.
In 2018, the company identified the need to adopt a new enterprise management platform. The system previously used, an on-premises model, did not have the stability required for the group’s operations volume.
After researching the available tools on the market, Bloomin’ Brands chose to implement Dynamics 365 in partnership with Nexer, a Microsoft partner.
“Our premise was to go through this process without customizations or with as few as possible. The Microsoft team helped us validate best practices, always with the goal of preserving the system to make it our definitive ERP. That was the focus of the implementation, ” said Jaqueline Almeida, Controller Director.
Another demand from the company was to integrate Dynamics 365 with the tools used by logistics operators and credit card processors. “In this sense, Azure Logic Apps came in as a facilitator, playing a key role in the process,” said Marcos Faustino, Applications Manager at Bloomin’ Brands Brazil.
The system was also integrated with other Microsoft platform solutions, such as Power BI, which improved data processing performance, providing an always-updated web system that can be upgraded without interruptions.
As a cloud-based solution, Dynamics 365 not only provided the stability sought by Bloomin’ Brands but also allowed remote access for partners assigned to each of the restaurants. According to Almeida, The stores also use the tool for actions such as inventory counting and monitoring of financial statements.
The purchase order, approved by the ERP, facilitated access and provided a structure to deal with social isolation, among other benefits. Before the implementation, the approval of notes and invoices was manual, with physical document signatures, but now it can be done through mobile devices.
In terms of operational impact, the solution’s interface has pleased the company’s professionals.
“Manual approval of notes and invoices would be impossible in remote work. The implementation also enhances the company’s governance level. The more transparent the back-office operation is, the better. We can manage the day-to-day operations of the stores without interruptions or systemic issues in our stores.”
“It is very user-friendly. I am very satisfied. It was a goal of the company to switch from an on-premises solution to a cloud solution, and now we realize that we are ahead and continue to set trends in the industry.”
Jaqueline adds.