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processes, systems, organisation and governance


Nexer brings extensive experience in implementing and working with various IT systems across different countries, companies, and industries. Our wealth of experiences positions us as the ideal partner for your digital journey. Managing master data—specifically, business-critical data—has always posed challenges. Today, the need has intensified due to the growing number of stakeholders and the influx of business data into company systems. 

We firmly believe that effective Master Data Management (MDM) is a blend of processes, organization, and technology, requiring a well-thought-out strategy. Our expertise allows us to assist you in constructing a robust data management strategy: recommending suitable platforms, designing valuable solutions, and implementing them. It’s essential to recognize that MDM should not be treated as a mere project; rather, it’s an ongoing journey. 


Nexer’s MDM Maturity Assessment serves as the initial step toward establishing a strong and sustainable master data strategy. The assessment provides a visual overview, highlighting strengths and challenges. It operates as both a model and a tool, evaluating your current level of MDM maturity and enabling you to set a vision of where you want to reach or measure the impact of data management initiatives through before-and-after testing. 

By leveraging our MDM Maturity Assessment, you’ll gain insight into your current status/ level and visualize strengths and weaknesses across various MDM-related areas. You can take the test individually, as a group, or within your company to compare departments or track progress. Subsequently, we can assist you in formulating a vision for your desired outcomes and using it to measure progress and development. 

The importance of Master Data Governance

We often see Master Data Governance (all data governance, in fact) as an administration and compliance overhead. However, Master Data Governance directly impacts the business’s ability to grow and achieve new goals. Clear policies and rules for acquisition, storage, management, and sharing of master data are needed, along with definition and standards. But these policies also need to be understood and enforced. A strategy for Master Data Governance must encompass people and processes, just as your MDM strategy should include organisation, processes, and systems. Of course IT programs can support Data Governance, and an MDM system holds all the capabilities necessary. Still, it can only apply rules already defined in advance by an organisation – that is, people. The system can identify deviations from the standards and provide tools for measuring data quality. But it is when the rules are established that a system can help you deliver on your data strategy.

Where is data stored, where does it flow, and who needs it? And who can change it? You must apply data collection, classification, and quality control first. Master Data Governance means an agreed terminology and particular metadata attributes to define, for example, ‘customer’ to provide a standard and consistent definition – i.e., a “Single View”. In that sense, your Master Data Management and your data governance framework are mutually dependent.

a data management strategy

Our extensive experience in strategic data-driven business and data management includes conducting workshops with companies to identify and analyze business processes and data models. We call this the Think Phase.
Whether you’re planning to or need support sourcing a system, or seeking an expert partner in data management during a pre-study phase, we tailor a project and delivery to match your needs and wishes
We very often start with a workshop to understand and define relevant business processes collaboratively with our customers and we have both senior data strategists and business solution architects in our data management team. We also collaborate with other business areas within Nexer to always provide you with the tech, strategy and communication expertise needed for your situation.
Working with us means embracing a promising future! 


If you’re interested in working strategically with master data and need an experienced partner, please fill out the form, and we’ll promptly get back to you.