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IT change made fun 

Volvo Group – easier to work 

IT changes and internal communication isn’t a combo known to set the world on fire. Nexer turned that upside down when Volvo Group launched seven new Microsoft tools to 100,000 employees worldwide. 

the solution

bring it to life

Think marketing and communication instead of pedagogics and information. Spend time talking to the users and try to unravel the real benefits. That was the starting point for the concept Easier to Work at Volvo Group. 
The campaign expanded with its own microsite, films, posters, and additional marketing material. The users liked what they saw and went on testing the new tools without even contacting the support. 

A somewhat dull and quite skeptical engineer took the stage at the center of our communication and brought the most prominent advantages of the new IT tools to life. 

“Nexer definitely introduced fun into our internal communications to implement Microsoft’s new IT-tools. The campaign was such a success it made us dance in the office” – Volvo Group 

the outcome

award winning game changer

Easier to Work at Volvo Group initiated a change journey for the way IT is being communicated within a global organization. 
The concept was appointed Best Innovation and Best Excellence Initiative at the Swedish Learning Awards. 

Over the years, more launches have been added, and the concept has kept on developing. 

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