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Dynamics 365 contributes to reduced social inequalities in Brazil 

B3 Social, responsible for private social investment and volunteering at B3, the Brazilian stock exchange, was able to customize a sales solution for social impact work, with a completely remote implementation and support from Nexer, a Microsoft partner company. 


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The solution made it possible to automate processes, increase the productivity of the operation, in addition to bringing a single database with simplified access, improving processes to fulfill the area’s objective: to contribute to the reduction of social inequalities in Brazil.

B3 is Brazil’s stock exchange and one of the main financial market infrastructure companies in the world. With the mission of connecting, developing and making the financial and capital markets viable, it aims to boost Brazil’s growth alongside its clients and society. To leverage the company’s strategic objectives, there is a Sustainability Strategy that seeks to align the company with the best ESG practices (Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance), inducing and engaging the market in its journey towards sustainable development and strengthen B3’s product portfolio by opening new fronts in the ESG market.

Aligned with the company’s ESG strategy is B3 Social, a non-profit association that coordinates B3’s private social investment and volunteering projects, with the aim of contributing to the reduction of social inequalities in Brazil. B3 Social finances social projects that seek, above all, the structural improvement of Brazilian public education, in addition to supporting the fight against emergency situations, such as the pandemic and food insecurity, and managing B3’s incentive laws.

In 2019, during a strategic restructuring process, the B3 Social team realized the need for a data management system for evaluated and supported social projects, which annually add up to approximately R$50 million in donations to more than 150 social projects.

The new environment was designed to centralize knowledge and data reliability, consequently bringing efficiency to data management and donation indicators. So, it was decided to implement a CRM with the support of Microsoft and the partner company, Nexer.


Sergio Ricardo Albano, IT coordinator for the Corporate Systems area at B3, assesses that the company as a whole had already been on a journey of implementing Dynamics 365 since 2013. “We made recent migrations in the company and, when the project arrived, we directed the demands for Dynamics”, he says.

With Nexer consulting, the implementation process was done remotely in 2021, in the context of the pandemic. In 10 weeks, the first phase of the project was delivered, with the entire flow of fundraising for social projects.

The solution also has integration with Power Automate in the development of flows and processes, the Outlook App of Microsoft 365, which increases the autonomy and productivity of users, transacting information with more speed and security. Finally, Power BI is used for analytics and reporting.

“Security is an important point. This information is gathered on a secure platform, and we no longer run the risk of having any incident that steals or destroys our knowledge base and projects at B3 Social”, points out Sergio.

Organized, accessible and reliable data

To achieve this objective, it was crucial to create a single database – with a search engine that made it easy to locate social organizations, evaluated and supported projects, contacts and result indicators. Thus, everyone consults the same information online – which increases information reliability and security. 

“We have practically all the historical data of our donations in the CRM. We enter all the organizations we talk to, not just the ones we support. This brings the centrality and reliability that we were looking for with the project, the data within the platform and easily accessible to everyone on the team at any time”, explains Julia Salem, Private Social Investment analyst at B3 Social.

This new data environment and all the tools integrated into the solution promoted an increase in productivity for B3 Social, thus eliminating manual processes, such as filling out spreadsheets and contracts – which are currently generated automatically. In addition, the tool is used to monitor and manage the results generated by social projects, including quantitative and qualitative indicators and the municipalities supported by each project. This data is visualized in Power BI and used by the team for strategic decision making.

A solution in continuous improvement that allows you to think about the future
The transformation of B3 Social continues its course while it has already brought a new reality to work at the institution. “Dynamics 365 has become the main work tool for all of us, whether in leadership looking for information all the time, or in the project operation area, feeding and seeing the flows of what is happening in the life cycle of institutions”, he says Fabiana Prianti, Private Social Investment manager at B3 Social.

In addition to the constant improvement of the tool, B3 Social is now organizing itself to implement the same model for the management of its other front of action, volunteering.

“The next challenge, after customizing the entire part of private social investment, as continuous improvements are part of our DNA, is customizing the management of the volunteer program for the entire B3, which covers approximately 50% of the company’s 2,800 employees”, concludes Fabiana. 

“Security is an important point. This information is gathered on a secure platform, and we are no longer at risk of having any incident that steals or disrupts our knowledge base and business at B3 Social.”
Sergio Ricardo Albano, IT coordinator of the Corporate Systems area at B3