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    Technical Debt

    Today, Germany stands at a crossroads: it can either maintain its current course, and risk a gradual economic and societal decline, or it can choose to reinvigorate its legacy of innovation by investing in digitalisation, modernisation, education, and new technologies.
    “Amy Webb CEO & Founder Future Today Institute”

    A straightforward and scalable solution to discover, analyse and erase the costs generated by ecossytem obsolescense and techincal debt. Through the work of our experts and partners, and using the most modern solutions, we can scan your technological ecosystem to discover inefficiencies and bottlenecks, obsolete softwares and unused solutions, and help you define new approaches and workflows. 

    All of this covering at 360* your needs, from planning to change management and internal communication. We can also offer dedicated support and run packages to help the transition both for time critical application and in the long run.

    Technical Debt is the silent Killer of your business. To provide a scale, in United States it represents a cost of 1.52 TRILLION USD

    Moreover, time is a critical dimension to consider in technical debt calculation, because every day passed without acting, adds immediately to the final cost.

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