Edge ABM Manufacturing (tab 2) | Nexer
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We know that in manufacturing, you´re facing many challenges today and in the future. You have to make strategic decisions, analysing and using real-time data to drive deep insights and gain knowledge about your business. Another challenge is to reduce costs and enhance efficiency constantly.

You need product data that you can trust and quality management to support compliance. And you need to be predictive and not reactive when it comes to maintenance; according to McKinsey & Company (2021), annual spend on industrial maintenance is approximately 6% of companies’ turnover – or in total 170 billion SEK. There’s vast business potential in reducing reactive maintenance. For example, 4-10 per cent increased profitability, up to 20 per cent reduction in technical downtime, and 30 per cent increase in productivity in planning and scheduling.

You need detailed resource planning, optimised utilisation of your capital-intensive assets for a very long time as well as the ability to secure a cost-efficient and secure operation during the asset’s entire lifecycle.

You need to be able to detect any anomalies in production quickly and predict failures on assets with connected data and Machine Learning – enabling the right action at the right time. 

These are just some of the challenges we will help you overcome in order to maximise your business efficiency. Click on the links below and find out how Nexer will help you take manufacturing to the next level!

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